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New Jersey Hospitals Using QuadraMed

<P>QuadraMed Corporation (Nasdaq Small Cap: QMDC) , a leading healthcare information systems company dedicated to linking hospitals to their constituents, announced today that hospitals in New Jersey are using QuadraMed's QEDIT solution to submit important medical data to the State. The successful implementation of QEDIT comes as part of a five-year, $5.4 million agreement whereby QuadraMed was contracted to develop and manage New Jersey's data collection system in the first statewide, Internet-based healthcare data collection initiative of its kind.<BR><BR>The innovative reporting process is expected to save the State's hospitals more than 60 percent on the cost of the mandated reporting--translating into more than $6 million over the life of the contract.<BR><BR>"Under the old system, our staff members allocated a disproportionate<SPAN id=Tp2 class=hint> <SPAN class=hw>dis·pro·por·tion·ate</SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>adj.<BR>Out of proportion, as in size, shape, or amount.<BR><BR></P> <HR class=hmshort align=left> <P><BR>dis<IMG align=absBottom src="http://img.tfd.com/hm/GIF/lprime.gif">pro·por </SPAN>&nbsp;amount of time to the state data reporting process, and the hospital saw funds being swallowed in the error correction process," said Nath Kaplan, director of Information Systems at Columbus Hospital in Newark and one of the State's 90-acute care hospitals implementing the Company's data collection platform. "When you're watching every dollar, cost savings is a welcome relief. Using QuadraMed's solution has resulted in an immediate positive effect for us."<BR><BR>Most state health organizations require hospitals to submit patient data--such as patient demographics<SPAN style="DISPLAY: none; TOP: 947px; LEFT: 609px" id=Tp3 class=hint>The attributes of people in a particular geographic area. Used for marketing purposes, population, ethnic origins, religion, spoken language, income and age range are examples of demographic data. <BR>..... <SPAN class=flw>Click the link for more information.</SPAN></SPAN>, diagnostic information, clinical outcomes and procedural costs--to monitor the quality of healthcare within the state, as well as identify potentially dangerous disease trends, such as flu outbreaks and cancer clusters<SPAN id=Tp4 class=hint> It may never be fully completed or, depending on its its nature, it may be that it can never be completed. However, new and revised entries in the list are always welcome.<BR><BR>This is a list of cancer clusters. </SPAN>. The traditional method of data submission involves a labor-intensive, paper-based process whereby hospitals incur expensive submission charges and penalties for errors. The New Jersey initiative, for which the final regulations were passed in July 2000 as part of the New Jersey Health Information Network Technologies (HINT) Bill, hopes to alleviate<SPAN id=Tp5 class=hint> <SPAN class=hw>Alleviate</SPAN><BR>To make something easier to be endured.<BR><BR>Mentioned in: Kinesiology, Applied </SPAN>&nbsp;the labor and financial pains involved in the process, drawing cues from the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act<SPAN id=Tp6 class=hint> The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1996.<BR><BR>According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) website, Title I of HIPAA protects health insurance coverage for workers and their families when </SPAN>&nbsp;of 1996 (HIPAA<SPAN id=Tp7 class=hint> (Health Insurance Portability &amp; Accountability Act of 1996, Public Law 104-191) Also known as the "Kennedy-Kassebaum Act," this U.S. law protects employees' health insurance coverage when they change or lose their jobs (Title I) and provides standards for patient health, </SPAN>) that aims to reduce the administrative costs<SPAN style="DISPLAY: none; TOP: 1040px; LEFT: 633px" id=Tp8 class=hint><SPAN class=hw>administrative costs,</SPAN><BR>n.pl the overhead expenses incurred in the operation of a dental benefits program, excluding costs of dental services provided. <BR>..... <SPAN class=flw>Click the link for more information.</SPAN></SPAN>&nbsp;associated with healthcare.<BR><BR>QuadraMed has been selected as the third party vendor to collect data from hospitals and manage the flow of information from hospitals to the State of New Jersey. Via its Web-based, HIPAA-compliant data collection platform, QuadraMed helps accomplish the goals of the HINT, including &nbsp;<a title=www.officialfootballseahawks.com/Authentic-Bobby-Wagner-Jersey href="http://www.officialfootballseahawks.com/Authentic-Bobby-Wagner-Jersey" target=_blank>www.officialfootballseahawks.com/Authentic-Bobby-Wagner-Jersey</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; Article&nbsp; by:http://www.thefreelibrary.com/New+Jersey+Hospitals+Using+QuadraMed+QEDIT+Solution+in+Revolutionary...-a066181683</P>

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